Brookfield Park Gardens Oamaru lavender
Camperdown Elm

Brookfield’s Camperdown Elm

Famous for its beautiful weeping form, with branches that extend wider than its height.

The Camperdown elm was discovered by the Earl of Camperdown in 1835. He found a twisted branch on one of his Wych elms in the Camperdown House estate in Dundee, Scotland.

The Camperdown elm cultivar was then created by propagating the weeping branch.

Our elm tree is one of the largest in the world.
Brookfield Park Gardens Camperdown full growth
Brookfield Park Gardens Oamaru Camperdown elm from homestead
Brookfield Park Gardens Oamaru Camperdown elm fully clothed
Brookfield Park Gardens Oamaru Camperdown elm trunk
Brookfield Park Gardens Camperdown Elm nearly bare
Brookfield’s Camperdown elm was recently listed with The New Zealand Tree Register, with support from the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture.